Monday, May 11, 2009

Smile till your cheeks cramp-Laugh till you cry

The Icing on the Cake is the first book by author Elodia Strain and what a debut! The book is like reading a sit com without the smut; and it will literally have you laughing out loud and smiling from ear to ear. Written in a fresh, fun style, the book engages you immediately as you follow the adventures(or misadventures) of protagonist Annabelle Pleasanton as she navigates her way through one hilarious incident to another, to find what every girl dreams of-love.
So make this uplifting piece of chick-lit the next book on your 'to-read' list-you won't be disappointed.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A fun read that keeps you guessing

For a fun, quick, easy read, pick up Deadly Treasure by first time author Jillayne Clements.
The mixture of adventure, mystery and romance will have you turning pages and keep you guessing till the very end.